The Bloodhound Boys : The Great Blood Bank Robbery by Andrew Cranna

Walker Books Australia, 2013. ISBN 9781922179302.
A Graphic novel primary aged cartoon and adventure enthusiasts will
With a title like this what boy would not be tempted to pick up the
book and at least flick through the first few pages. There they will
see black and white cartoons much like they might draw featuring a
myriad of monstrous characters living underground in Skull River
City. The main characters, are six school friends, Rocky Werewolf,
Vampire Vince, Gretel Ghoul, Ancient Archie (a mummy), Luci Fer and
Loch Ness Leo, who enjoy a Bloodshake at The Headless Horseman cafe
after a stirring game of skullball.
Unfortunately the pipes delivering blood to the cafe are empty and
soon the friends find out about the Blood Bank Robbery. Vince and
Rocky decide to investigate. Rocky's dad works in security and they
have access to the Bank and they are motivated by their friend
Gretel who suffers a rare blood disease and is in danger of dying
unless she can access a regular supply of fresh blood. The adventure
continues with many twists and turns including saving a dinosaur,
finding Vince's Dad who disappeared years ago and challenging the
Mosquito King.
The story is told through the cartoons complete with backgrounds and
speech bubbles and of course the inevitable sound effects without
recourse to linking captions. The characters, whilst monsters are
charming and expressive as they rise to the challenges before them.
I can see the book being popular with students looking for a simple
but at times amusing dialogue who will enjoy and be tempted to
emulate the cartoon style and create their own version.
Sue Keane