The betrayal of Natalie Hargrove by Lauren Kate

(Age 13+) This is Lauren Kate's first novel originally published in 2009. She is the author of the popular book Fallen.
Natalie Hargrove is hungry for power. Growing up on the wrong side of town is hard. With no father Natalie's mother went from man to man getting what she needed to make a good life for her daughter. The current man, The Duke and his daughter Dala are an embarrassment to the future Palmetto Princess. After years of plotting Natalie won't let anything drag her back down. At the annual Mardi Grass party everything begins to crumble. The perfect reputation she's worked for is falling.
I've never read any of Lauren Kate's books before but I know I will now. The Betrayal of Natalie Hargrove is a superb story that teaches the reader about the inner workings of high school and the expectations of teenagers towards other teens. I think we can learn from this book about how far determination can bring you. The third person focuses more on Natalie's thoughts than the other characters. The last chapters round up the story very nicely. I would recommend this book for girls above thirteen because it covers some mature issues.
Kayla Gaskell, Student, 15