The Besties show and smell by Felice Arena and Tom Jellett

Penguin Random House, 2020. ISBN: 9781760890988. 80pp.
(Age: Beginner readers) Highly recommended. Felice Arena and Tom
Jellett have teamed up again with a new series called The
Besties. In the series, in each book, the two main characters
are introduced through illustrations and speech bubbles on the first
double page. "Hi. I'm Ruby." "Hi. I'm Oliver." These are fun,
page-turner beginner readers that are grounded in everyday
situations that engage children who are learning to read. The books
are small and easy to hold (approximately eighty pages) and each
page has a varied amount of large font text which is typeset in
different places on the pages - above, below and around the
illustrations for variety and interest. Sentences are well
structured; vocabulary is accessible; interest level is high. Even a
reluctant reader would want to read on to find out what is going to
happen to Olly and Ruby next. Because the situations are familiar,
much of the text (even the difficult words) could be inferred so
that the beginner reader would not stumble and lose the thread.
In The Besties show and smell, Ruby and Oliver have a
hilarious and worrying time with a relief teacher and Show and Tell
time in their class. At the back of the book are detailed
instructions about "How to make a rude noise with your armpit"
(Highly exciting!), a cartoon related to the topic by "Olly
Comics," a little ukulele song with an online address for lyrics,
chords and strumming patterns, two pages of jokes, information about
The Sporty Kids series and fun, child friendly information
about the author and illustrator.
There is plenty here to engage and indeed expand the world of the
beginner reader. Teachers would be pleased and relieved to see that
Felice Arena does not play "cool-not" games with incorrect grammar.
The beginner reader is exposed to only correct grammar and
punctuation! Hooray! Extracts could be used to direct student
attention to correct English usage as models for their own writing.
Highly recommended for both reading and interest level for beginner
Wendy Jeffery