The beastly pirates by John Kelly

Bloomsbury, 2015. ISBN 9781408849859
(Age: 4+) Recommended. Humour, Rhyming text, pirates. In poetic
form, the story of the beastly pirates is told with pages filled
with luminous illustrations revealing the most dangerous and
bloodthirsty bunch of pirates imaginable.
Stories which curdle the blood are told about the most hardy of the
lot, with each stanza revealing the life of one nasty creature known
to each of the group gathered at the inn. Readers will instantly
recognise the bravado of each pirate as they try to outdo the story
before. So we have tales of Captain Death, the scariest pirate of
them all, but outdone by Admiral Flea, so small that he could kill
you with his cutlass from beneath, or Captain Snapper who liked to
eat pirates, or Kusher Kraken with his multiplicity of legs to wrap
around pirates he found on board.
Each tale is designed to amuse and inform, as children will learn
many new seafaring words, and rhymes that make them laugh.
I laughed out loud at the tale of Krusher Kraken with his legs doing
so many different things, and Captain Blimp so large they were able
to make a pie of him for all to eat.
But all are frightened when the worst happens and a funny twist has
their fearsomeness totally undermined.
As a story to read aloud, a tale to be part of a unit about pirates,
a cute way to introduce rhyming words, or cooking and seafaring
words, this book is a treat. It would work really well as a model
for children's writing.
Children will love finding the array of piratey things in the
wonderfully bold illustrations, and look for clues about their
Fran Knight