The battle of Book Week by Kate & Jol Temple

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Illus. by Georgia Draws A House. Yours Troolie, Alice Toolie book 3. Allen and Unwin, 2020. ISBN: 9781760875572.
(Age: 8+) Recommended. The battle of Book Week is the third book in the Yours Troolie, Alice Toolie series. Once again Alice Toolie and Jimmy Cook who are more frenemies than friends are thrown together - this time as library monitors organising events for Book Week. Alice takes her library monitor job very seriously and as Jimmy has a very overdue library book, she will not let it go. She hounds him on a daily basis until he decides to become a library monitor as well. Disaster! They are eventually fired from their positions due to a catastrophic mix up with visiting authors. Following on from this is a suspicious incident with an unidentified object found in the library which is closed for health and safety reasons. Both Alice and Jimmy are desperate to win back their positions as library monitors and must win the best costume in the Book Week parade in order to achieve this.
This book is written in letters and notes through the library monitor communication book. The reader gains an understanding of the different personalities of the two protagonists through the cleverly written conversations. Both are egocentric and totally focused on their own agendas but eventually collaborate to achieve their goal. The humour used throughout the book will appeal to a wide audience as well as the short letter/note writing method. Illustrations by Georgia Draws A House add to the humour and enjoyment of the story. Themes: Humour, Book Week, Library Monitors, School, Friendship, Costumes.
Kathryn Beilby