The awesome book of rap, rhyme and putrid poetry by Andy Jones

Ill. by Jules Faber. ABC Books, 2016. ISBN 9780733335662
(Age: 8+) Recommended. Entertainer and author Andy Jones understands
exactly the kind of things that children love to read and gross body
humour rates highly. Burps, pus, dancing in your underpants, vomit
and so much more are included here in rhyming format. Jones has
rewritten nursery rhymes in rap style, presented a range of poetic
pests and included epic poems about singing belly buttons and Ziggy
Snotball Smell Detective.
In Andy's 'Limerick Tricks', there is the unicorn named Kevin and an
unfortunate incident with Devon meat, the Pus Bus and the troubles
of the pimply dimpled boy. In 'Punk Porkers A Pigtacular Tale' Jones
transforms the familiar story of 'The Three Little Pigs'. Here the
porkers are reinvented as a punk rock band, hamsome Brad is the
leader, Priscilla P from the Pigsy Chix and Hogzilla plays the
'The moral of the story goes,
Dreams sometimes do come true,
And big bad wolves rarely get the better,
Of the likes of me and you.'
How to create different forms of poetry is discussed at the end of The
awesome book of rap, rhyme and putrid poetry. Different rap
styles, freestyle, lyrical and rapid fire as well as how to write an
irregular ode and epic poetry. In the 'Pooetry' Toolbox, essential
language terms are explained in easy to understand terms, including
alliteration and metaphor. Middle Primary classes will enjoy Jones'
special brand of humour and are encouraged to create their own poems
utilising tips from the toolbox.
Rhyllis Bignell