The Aussie ABC Christmas by Nancy Bevington

New Frontier Publishing, 2018. ISBN 9781925594256
(Age: 4+) Themes: Christmas, ABC, Alphabet book, Humour, Australia.
Replicating what many teachers ask their classes to do at Christmas,
this ABC book offers a few different words to align with the
alphabet. Many letters are combined with easily identifiable
Christmas words: 'carols', 'milk for Santa', ' reindeer' and so on,
while others such as 'angel', 'gifts', ' holiday', 'beach', 'joy'
etc, are words associated with other times of the year, rather than
specifically Christmas words. So readers will have an interesting
slant on what words actually are Christmassy, and I think astute
teachers will take advantage of the words offered to winkle out just
what Christmas means to the people in their class. The book lends
itself to offerings from all the students in the class, being
inclusive and wide ranging about what Christmas means when you live
in Australia. For children born elsewhere the opportunity is given
here for them to share what Christmas means to them and what words
best represent their Christmas, for those born in a different
household, the opportunity is there to share again what Christmas
means to their family.
What I have learnt over the years is that Christmas is different for
every family, each having their own traditions and ideas, customs
and food, whether you were born here or not, born into a religious
family or into one where Christmas has no religious affiliations at
all, whether you are in a family of two or a whole heap, each is
different. And while this nostalgic book attempts to show the common
things about an Australian Christmas, it is what is left out that
might be more important for many children.
Fran Knight