The amazing adventures of Grover McBane rescue dog by Claire Garth

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Ill. by Johannes Leak. Piccolo Nero, 2018. ISBN: 9781760641085.
(Ages 7-9) Recommended. Themes: Rescue Dogs, Working Dogs, Farms, Pets. On a bold yellow and red cover, Border Collie Grover welcomes junior readers into his world. All five engaging stories are included in The Amazing Adventures of Grover McBane Rescue Dog. Author Claire Garth has based her books on her experiences as the General Manager of the Sydney Dog and Cats Home and her own loveable rescue dog.
'Grover Finds a Home' begins with a hungry, lonely dog whose owner doesn't care for him, so he escapes on a stormy night. He's picked up by a local ranger and taken to the animal shelter. In the back of the van, he's comforted by Clara a greyhound, who's escaped from her home. Told from the dog's point of view, we learn of his feelings about the vet's check-up and his most hated thing, a bath. His new home at Cavendish Lane with his new family David and Annie McBane is a comforting and happy place, with lots of new sounds, smells and delicious food.
'Grover's New Friends' opens up our eyes to the fun of the park, a doggy paradise filled with exciting new activities and new pals to play with. Retired police dog Boris, and Hamish, the little black dog with bundles of energy, befriend Grover. Even Mr Tibbles the next-door cat welcomes Grover to the neighbourhood. He quickly learns to love car rides and spending days at the animal shelter where Annie works. Another happy ending occurs, when newly relinquished dog Peanut finds a forever home with twins Grace and Rachel.
The other three stories take Grover to the farm for some interesting encounters with tricky farm dogs and sheep and to the Grandparents' Home to help old Benji become their resident dog. Grover's Office Dog role comes with many responsibilities including helping young greyhound puppy Stretch with a plastered leg.
Garth's five stories are filled with fun experiences, warm feelings, humour, doggy insight and love. Each of Grover's adventures show why the dogs journey from the shelter. From young energetic puppies to elderly deaf dogs all find their forever homes.
The Amazing Adventures of Grover McBane Rescue Dog are perfect stories to read aloud to junior classes. Young animal lovers who will enjoy Johannes Leak's detailed sketches of all the different dogs and their fun experiences.
Rhyllis Bignell