The abstainer by Ian McGuire

Simon and Schuster, 2020. ISBN: 9781471163609.
(Age: Senior secondary/Adult) Highly recommended. In 1867, three
members of the Fenian Brotherhood were hanged in Manchester for the
murder of a policeman. McGuire imagines a story of revenge flowing
from this event as an Irish American man with a heart set on
retribution is brought to Manchester fresh from the bloody Civil War
that had engulfed the USA in previous years. He must keep himself
well hidden, knowing the local police have a network of informers.
Within a day of his landing he has killed three of these men,
sending a brutal message to others who may be tempted to help the
Constable James O'Connor, brought over from Dublin to help the
Manchester Police find this man, is under suspicion from the start:
his accent, his sympathy with the Irish cause, his recent history
with his superiors, all contrive against him. His dead wife and
child form a cross he carries and and he must fight his need to
resort to drink.
The paths of Doyle and O'Connor are destined to cross as one seeks
mayhem and the other justice for his dead informer.
McGuire captures the atmosphere within the city of Manchester with
impressive detail. Poverty is ever present as O'Connor walks the
streets, visits people in their slum accommodation, talks to his
superiors, all the while noting the vast difference between Irish
and English with detail about food, housing and access to work.
We meet all sorts in McGuire's Victorian Manchester from the pimps
to the well healed, the prostitutes and drunks who inhabit the pubs,
the informers, corrupt police, and those who want the case to be
wrapped up quickly, so putting O'Connor at odds with his own
organisation. After the hasty hangings at the beginning of the
novel, sympathy lies with the Fenians struggling to free Ireland
from the British overlordship but their methods alienate O'Connor
and the reader. Both men struggle with the burden of their pasts,
and their contest makes for involving reading. Themes: Crime,
Manchester (UK), Fenian Society, Revenge.
Fran Knight