The 10pm question by Kate De Goldi

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Allen and Unwin, 2009. ISBN 978174175 735 4
(Age 11-14) Recommended. A cleverly written book ideal for adolescents, especially boys. Twelve year old Frankie is constantly afraid about the 'Ifs' of his life. He has a continuing internal dialogue with himself, made humorous by De Goldi's ability to paint a vivid and lively account of his family and friends who have wonderfully diverse and eccentric characteristics, especially the aunts. Frankie and his best friend Gigs speak chilun, an invented language, where they engage in hilarious conversations about other people while in their presence! Life changes for Frankie when Sydney joins the class. She, unlike all the other girls in his class and indeed in his school, has dreadlocks, can bowl well and has a way of asking Frankie unavoidable questions, which leads him to better understand himself and in turn his family understanding him. A perfect complementary book is Star Girl by Jerry Spinelli. The fascinating title entices the reader to begin.
Sue Nosworthy