The 1000 year old boy by Ross Welford

HarperCollins, 2018. ISBN 9780008256944
(Age: 10+) Highly recommended. An intriguing title and a fascinating
story about a boy who has been alive for 1000 years. With his mother
(and accidentally the pet cat too) 11 year old Alfie Monk uses a
magical "life-pearl" to halt aging. They are not immortal and can
all still die from injury or accident but will not grow older.
An everlasting life means Alfie and his mother have lived through
great changes but they must move on when people become suspicious
that Alfie never grows into adolescence or adulthood. This means he
must continually leave his normal, aging friends and move to new
Alfie's father died 1000 years in the past, so it is Alfie, his Mum
and Biffa the cat who have to face the future together but life
changes drastically when a fire destroys not only Alfie's home but
kills his mother as well, leaving Alfie burnt and alone. It is at
this stage he needs to trust 21st century Roxy and Aidan, who
desperately try to be his first real true friends and help him find
the last "life pearl" to begin the aging process for Alfie, so he
can live a normal life.
This a well written and at time humorous story where alternate
chapters give the viewpoint of either Alfie or Aidan.
There is a realisation that eternal life has as many drawbacks as it
does advantages. Alfie has had a variety of historical experiences
that gives him a vast knowledge of the past but he can never have a
real life in the present.
This is a captivating read, where the ending keeps you "on the edge
of your seat" as all is revealed by the final chapters of the novel.
I also enjoyed Ross Welford's What Not to Do If You Turn
Invisible and look forward to reading his other title Time
Travelling with a Hamster which also plays with "time".
I highly recommend this book to students from age 10 years +. A
worthy addition to any library.
Jane Moore