That's not my narwhal by Fiona Watt

Usborne, 2020. ISBN: 9781474972109. 10pp., board book.
A little board book in this popular series that encourages children
to explore both language through its repetitive text and their sense
of touch through its textured patches actually has the potential to
appeal to a much wider audience as students get ready to enjoy the
2020 Book Week theme of 'Curious Creatures, Wild Minds'.
This almost mythical creature, which actually lives in the cold
waters of Greenland, Canada, and Russia, is rapidly becoming the
'creature-du-jour' with young readers looking for something more
exotic than the unicorn which has become a bit ho-hum. So even
though this book in this popular series explores why none of the
five narwhals depicted is the reader's narwhal, the question that
begs to be answered is, 'What IS a narwhal?', a question that could
spark an interesting investigation and perhaps lead to a
presentation entitled This is My Narwhal satisfying the Critical and
Creative Thinking outcomes of the Inquiry strand, as they pose
questions to identify, explore and organise information and ideas.
I love discovering books written for littlies that have application
across the ages and this is surely one of them, and a most timely
Barbara Braxton