Thanks for the trouble by Tommy Wallach

Simon and Schuster, 2016. ISBN 9781471146121
(Age: 16+) Highly recommended. 'Take stealing, for example. My Dad
taught me that our society punishes people who only steal a little,
but it rewards people who steal a lot.'
Parker Sante is a creative spirit who doesn't speak. He writes. He
truants school and spends his time in the foyers of hotels. He
watches guests and steals.
The day he meets a silver haired girl his life changes forever. She
thinks he has a 'deranged form of graphomania' and he thinks Zelda
is throwing her life away.
'Well, I'll make you a deal. I'll go to college if you don't jump
off the Golden Gate Bridge.'
Would you want to live forever? This book explores the compromises
made when life is without end, contrasting this with a life not
lived, but avoided.
'Young people feel things so deeply, don't they?' she said quietly,
almost to herself. 'Everything's happening for the first time.'
These two well developed and engaging characters affect each other
deeply, but the life of only one of them will be transformed. The
short stories written by Parker add another layer of depth to an
already intriguing narrative. Is Zelda who she says she is? Can you
ever become tired of life? There is an exploration of friendship
that reveals many home truths and quiet understandings about the
nature of humans and the grace of kindness.
Wallach has created scenarios that resonate with the world of the
young adults and reinforces the value of believing in and remaining
true to yourself.
Linda Guthrie