Terrortide by Michael Adams

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The Seven Signs book 6. Scholastic, 2017. ISBN 9781743628065
(Age: 13+) Recommended. Themes: Adventure; Danger; Sydney, Australia; Futuristic adventure. Book 6 in the Seven Signs series is as terror and suspense-filled as the previous five books in the series. The young DARE award winners are yet again plunged into horrific circumstances as they race to save the World from the actions of the Gamemaster. This unknown and mysterious figure has sent more images to solve via their hi-tech futuristic communication devices, and impels all of the seven teens into more life-threatening scenarios - this time with Sydney, Australia as the potential target. With one catastrophe leading immediately into another, it is not surprising that they author ends this penultimate book of the episodic series on a cliff-hanger ending (or perhaps more accurately - hanging on by our fingernails).
Readers will be desperate to find out what comes next (very clever marketing strategy!) and solving the ultimate puzzle as to who is behind this reprehensible series of awful events, and to see whether the young teens can be heroic yet again and save the world from destruction. Or is it too late?
Recommended to adventure junkies aged 13+.
Carolyn Hull