Ten Terrible Dinosaurs by Paul Stickland

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Picture Corgi,2014. ISBN: 9780552572514
The most extraordinary thing about this book - which is great! - is that when I first read it, my immediate reaction was that it was almost identical in its text as one I created for a maths resource when I was at uni doing my teacher's degree!
Mine was pretty dodgy with cut out 'lift the flaps' of dinosaur wrapping paper images to hide the subtraction algorithm but it was quite astonishing how closely Paul Stickland's writing and mine coincided! Perhaps I have
missed my calling after all!
All that aside, this a fun book in the Dinosaur Roar series, which are not only fun reads but teaching tools as well. A story of diminishing numbers from 10 to 1 accompanied by wonderfully colourful illustrations of extremely expressive dinosaurs which Small and I very much enjoyed last night.
If you are looking for some new maths/literature resources for next year, this might well be a good choice for your Preps.
Check out Paul Stickland's website and the Dinosaurs Roar website .
Sue Warren