Tell me a dragon by Jackie Morris

Frances Lincoln Children's Books, 2010. ISBN 9781845075347.
Jackie Morris writes on her website , '
One day someone asked me, if I had a dragon, what would it be like. I
realized that almost every day it would be different. Some days I would
like a big dragon to fight battles for me, sometimes a small dragon to
curl around my ear and tell me stories'.
With few words and lyrical illustrations, Morris has built up a gallery
of the most wonderful dragons in every size and shape. They range from
tiny little dragons, resembling dragonflies that can be found in a
garden, to a fierce brown urban dragon, ready to take on the dangers of
the city. Each dragon has its own mystical, unique character. Often
ridden by equally fabulous people, and drawn in beautiful watercolours,
the dragons soar across the sky, race dolphins in the sea and stride
across land. One even guards the door while a young child sleeps.
The artwork is superb and an examination of each picture stimulates the
imagination and leads the reader off to wondrous worlds of the mind.
The concluding double page spread gathers all the dragons together and
asks readers to tell about their dragons. This challenge is sure to be
taken up by readers and could lead to some stimulating discussion,
writing and drawing of their own.
This exquisite book is on the CILIP Kate Greenaway Medal
longlist, 2011.
Pat Pledger