Teenagers and Reading edited by Jacqueline Manuel and Sue Brindley

AATE Interface Series. Wakefield Press, 2012. ISBN: 9781743050972.
(Teacher reference) Themes: English Teaching (Professional reading);
Reading. This book includes a collection of well-researched papers
about Reading, and particularly Reading by Teenagers within the
context of education. This is an excellent Professional
resource for English Teachers who are trying to promote good Reading
and Teaching strategies to improve reading skills in their students.
There are many practical examples of strategies to employ to improve
success for all in their classes. The strong emphasis in the papers
is on the need to engage students in independent reading for
pleasure or to enable them to rise above the tyranny of the English
set text.
A number of the papers make a strong case for creating time in
the English program for self-selected reading (as distinct from
Teacher-selections linked to writing tasks.) The evidence for
the success of this strategy could be useful for justifying this
programming within the School timetable.
My personal favourite article is: Really teaching reading:
Revisiting a MyRead strategy in a Secondary English classroom, by
Rita van Haren and Janette Vervoorn. This revisiting of a 2002
Professional development resource gives wonderful examples of how
English teachers can both model/teach successful reading strategies
and release their students to display their comprehension in
accessible ways that can be successful for all readers in a class,
regardless of their perceived 'reading skill'. The examples of
student responses to a complex text reveal the success of the
strategies employed.
Librarians could recommend this book for English Teachers
Professional Reading as it is both professionally enriching as well
as containing practical advice for teaching practice.
Carolyn Hull