Tatty Mouse Christmas by Hilary Robinson. Illus. by Mandy Stanley

Tatty Mouse, the little mend-it, make-it mouse is back after the first book in the series, Tatty Mouse Rock Star, to entrall readers with her innovative ways of recycling. This time she is preparing for Christmas. Armed with her tool kit, displayed beautifully on the front cover as well as inside the sturdy board book, Tatty Mouse collects things that she can use while she is making gifts for her friends.
Children will enjoy lifting the flaps as the story is read trying to guess what Tatty is making. What will she use discarded cans for? How will her Christmas decorations turn out? And what big surprise is she planning for her friends?
Tatty is a very clever little mouse and her ideas for making Christmas presents and decorations will give young readers lots of ideas that they can try for themselves. The illustrations are gorgeous and there are many little details that astute children will find and follow thoughout the book.
Tatty Mouse Christmas is a lovely story that emphasises not only the importance of recycling and remaking, but the joy of giving gifts to friends.
Themes: Christmas, Gifts, Recycling, Board books.
Pat Pledger