Tashi by Anna Fienberg and Barbara Fienberg

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Ill. by Kim Gamble. 20th anniversary edition. Allen & Unwin. ISBN 9781743319697
(Age: 6-8) Recommended. Dragons. Fantasy. Magic. Anna and Barbara Fienberg celebrate twenty years of Tashi stories with this edition.
In Tashi and the silver cup, we learn of Tashi's birth, how his mother and father long for a child and seek the help of Wise-as-an-Owl who brews a special potion. The whole village watches with delight as the baby is born and begins to grow up. For his first birthday, he receives a special silver cup from the owl and his son. After the party is over, the cup has gone missing. Tashi's family and friends begin a frantic search, however, young Tashi is very observant and when released from his high chair, he toddles over to the thief.
In Tashi, Jack begins to tell his parents about his special friend, how his family was so poor they sold him to a warlord. Jack's dad keeps interrupting his storytelling with lots of wrong questions, much to his annoyance. A week goes by and Jack eats lunch with his friend each day, learning more about Tashi's escape from the warlord with the help of a swan and his ridding the world of dragons.
Tashi stories continue to delight a new generation of readers eager to begin chapter books. Kim Gamble's detailed sketches are engaging, adding to the enjoyment of the young audience.
Happy 20th birthday, Tashi!
Rhyllis Bignell