Taronga presents: Party animals by Kristin Darell. Illus. by Laura Wood

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Birthdays are always special but for Ollie and Sophia this one is extra special. It’s Ollie’s birthday and he has asked Sophia to share it with him at Taronga Western Plains Zoo. Ollie’s dad Max has driven them to the zoo for the day and as they are Taronga Zoo volunteers they have special-access passes to go wherever they are allowed. They have bikes organised for them and can ride all around the various habitats. As they are cycling along, Sophia and Ollie name the collective nouns for each group of animals they see; dazzle of zebras, mob of meerkats, conspiracy of lemurs, tower of giraffes (when standing still), journey of giraffes (when moving), crash of rhinos, coalition of cheetahs, memory of elephants and a bloat of hippos.

Sophia and Ollie are able to watch the vets working on a cheetah through the glass windows at the hospital and later on, a wedge-tailed eagle who has been injured. They also take part in an echidna enrichment where a first time failure leads to a successful second try and a valuable lesson for Sophia. During their time at the zoo, Sophia has been feeling quite anxious as her gift for Ollie has yet to arrive. She is distracted and keeps checking back with the office and Ollie is feeling disappointed. Sophia realises that her presence is really only the gift he wants and later apologises for her distraction.

One of Ollie’s birthday surprises includes a private feeding of the giraffe that loves carrots. But the biggest surprise of all is staying overnight at the Zoofari Lodge where they are able to observe the animals on the savannah and join a Sunrise Safari in the morning.  For Ollie and Sophia this has been a memorable weekend for many reasons and when Sophia’s gift finally arrives, it is another wonderful surprise for Ollie.

Party Animals as well as the first book in the series, Poo at the Zoo, would make engaging class novels as the stories are highly entertaining, and shared throughout are so many valuable teaching moments that educators could expand on. The interesting facts presented all through each story as well as Ollie’s Fun Fact File could also lead to further research and discussion.

Themes: Taronga Western Plains Zoo, Animals, Volunteers, Friendship, Birthday Surprises, Family.

Kathryn Beilby