Tantony by Ananda Braxton-Smith

Black Dog Books, 2011. ISBN 9781742031668.
(Age: 13+) Recommended. Boson Quirk has died facedown in the bog and
his body was found by Fermion, his twin sister. For the last few
months of his life he has communicated with birds, saying that they
were angels and brought him visions. Most people believed that he
was a monster, but some said that he was a saint. Will Fermion, too,
lose hold on reality when she listens to the voices in her head? And
what is happening on the Other Island, where it gods and monsters
lived, according to legend.
The opening sentence: 'We found my brother in the skybog' sent a
chill down my back and I knew that I had found a book that would
hold my interest and it did. I read it in one sitting quite a while
ago and the lyrical language still resonates, building up a
wonderful word picture of life in a small community where everyone
knows everyone else.
As with all exceptional books, I put it aside because I needed to
think about its themes, the language and the unique world that
Braxton-Smith had created. I don't believe that I can do justice to
it in a review, so I will recommend it as a book to be promoted to
teens who will gain so much more from it than much of the popular
paranormal series around. The themes of family bonds, bipolar
disease, difference and religion are all explored within a gripping
story about Fermion searching for answers about her brother's death
and her own life.
Merrow, a CBCA notable book, was the first that Braxton-Smith wrote
set in Carrick and this one, a stand-alone, is another noteworthy
story. It would be a wonderful literature circle book, where readers
were given the opportunity to explore the novel's complex ideas with
Pat Pledger