Talk talk SQUAWK - how and why animals communicate by Nicola Davies

Ill. by Neal Layton. Walker Books Australia, 2012. Softcover. ISBN
9781 4063 3854 6.
(Age: 9-12) Recommended. Humans communicate with words, faces and
hands, with signs and signals, flashing lights and sirens . . . and
we aren't the only ones. So begins Talk talk SQUAWK, written
by zoologist Nicola Davies, who has also written 2 other titles in a
similar vein, about sharks and animal poo. This book is of the type
which will fascinate curious young minds, and clearly Davies has the
'knack' of informing without boring, ably assisted by the
illustrations of Layton, whose cartoons of enraptured female birds
had everyone who read this book at my house in stitches, especially
thanks to the addition of 'UKisims' such as 'Cor!' and 'you tell
'im' - what can I say, it's the little things.
There was a lot of genuine interest in this book and the facts
within, and it sparked off some interesting discussion and
independent learning. Any time you hear 'Did you know pandas ...' or
'Oooooh, so THAT'S why they make that noise', you know you are on to
a winner.
Far from being dry, this book is fascinating, and I learnt a lot
from reading it. I now know how stinkbugs flirt, for example. While
that may not be a useful piece of knowledge in my day to day life, I
am now a) more alert to the land of L'Amour in my vegetable garden
and b) more likely to win at trivia nights, because the last
question is always something completely obscure, designed to bring
you back to try and win the meat tray next week.
I think this is a must have for any school library. With an
estimated range of Year 4-7, depending on reading level and
background knowledge, this book really hits the spot.
Freya Lucas