Take me Home by Melissa Wareham

Random House, 2011.
(Ages 8 -12) I'm not sure who started it, perhaps it was the chocolate
eyed Labrador in Marley and Me but all of sudden true-life animal
stories - humorous, poignant and downright tragic seem to be high
profile in bookshops and supermarkets. Being more than a little
sceptical I decided Take me Home was bound to be another
formulaic read
in an overcrowded market. However, this turned out to be a little gem -
well written with bags of humour and boundless appeal for animal
It starts with a girl called Melissa who most children (this one
included!) can identify with. She's desperate for a dog, but her
parents will not be persuaded and every birthday and Christmas turn out
to be a disappointment. Ringing any bells yet? When she leaves school
she bags a job as a kennel maid at Battersea Dog's Home. Starting at
the bottom she eventually works her way up to the heady heights of
Re-homing officer. This is a great read with fascinating snippets about
Battersea's history and ethos, and some delightful shaggy dog stories.
There's Tulip, the dog who escaped from her owner and jumped on a bus,
and Boss, the dog who was thrown out of the family car after it was
hijacked by thieves. Both ended up at Battersea. This book should be
accompanied with a large box of tissues!
Photographs of Melissa at work and the dogs she's looked after give the
book a pleasing authenticity. Animal lovers at my school are queuing up
to borrow it and it seems to have wide appeal across all junior ages.
It's a perfect hook and I've used it as an introduction to Michael
Morpurgo (Cool and Born to Run) and to Andy Cope's Spydog
Claire Larson