Take heart, take action by Beci Orpin

Hachette, 2019. ISBN: 9780734419866. 24p.
(Age: 5+) Recommended. A bright beautifully designed book, the 20
catchy phrases in Take heart, take action will have readers
determined to make the world a better place. The twenty ideas
contained in this picture book are illustrated on a single page each
and written on a solid colour background with the thick dark words
inside a picture that signifies what the action means. The reader
will see a yellow sun with the words 'Use Clean Energy' typed around
it, the words 'Plant Trees' are inside a stylised tree, while 'Eat
Less Meat' is inside a mushroom and 'Save Water' inside a green
water drop.
The illustrations are strong and memorable as are the ideas and
there is something there for every reader to take away. Ideas range
from advice to be kind, show compassion, recycle, support local and
ride a bike. At the back is a small picture of the advice and a
paragraph describing what the phrase means and what could be done to
put it into action. For example in 'Consume Less', the readers could
buy less, or buy second hand, asking themselves if they really need
the new item.
This book would make a wonderful aid for a library or classroom
teacher or parent to display and discuss ideas with children. I can
see it being used as a handbook to remind everyone what can be done
to improve the Earth and that every individual can do something,
even small, to make our planet a better place to live in.
Themes: Hope, Sustainability, Personal growth.
Pat Pledger