Tad by Benji Davies

HarperCollins, 2019. ISBN: 9780008212797.
Tad was the smallest tadpole in the pond - so small she had to
wiggle her tail twice as fast as her brothers and sisters to keep up
- but that didn't deter her from being brave. Even though the others
warned her about Big Blub, a great, big, nasty fish who was as old
as the mud he lived in at the bottom of the pond, she wasn't afraid
because she not only refused to believe in him but also made sure
she kept to the shallow, sunny parts of the pond or hid carefully so
he couldn't find her - just in case he was real. But as the days
went on, Tad's sisters and brothers seem to be dwindling in numbers
until at last she was the only one left. And here comes Big Blub. He
is REAL. What will she do?
Benji Davies has created a beautiful story that not only introduces
young readers to the life cycle of frogs - a common topic in early
biology curricula - but also to the concept of growing and changing
and being brave enough to take the next step, generally. With its
stunning illustrations, it is full of opportunities and ideas to
talk about, consolidating that special bond between reader and child
and the stories they share.
Barbara Braxton