T-Wreck-Asaurus by Kyle Mewburn

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Ill. Donovan Bixley. Dinosaur Rescue Series. Scholastic, 2011. ISBN: 9781775430193.
What do you do when you are a caveman - or boy - with a brain that is twice the size of anyone else's? This is the somewhat perplexing problem of Arg, a cave boy with intelligence surrounded by Neanderthals. He lives with his mum, dad, sister and pet dinosaur Krrk-Krrk in a modest cave where he has his own room which is full of his inventions.
When a scary T-Rex makes its way to Arg's village and threatens his family and friends, it is up to him to use his superior intelligence to save the day. When Arg solves the dinosaur's problem, he discovers a secret place and another even bigger secret about the dinosaur.
A book full of toilet humour and bodily secretions bound to appeal - especially to early primary to middle primary boys who may be reluctant readers. Illustrations compliment the text and provide further interest and disgusting detail in some parts.
Zana Thiele