Survival for beginners: A step-by-step guide to camping and outdoor skills by Colin Towell

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Australian edition. Dorling Kindersley, 2019. ISBN: 9780143796954.
(Age: 9-14) Recommended. Themes: Survival, Camping skills. With Dorling Kindersley's art of presentation, this is a simple but clearly presented handbook for campers and to aid survival in difficult outdoor circumstances, with an Australian focus. With chapters under the sections of Navigation, On the trail, Campcraft, and First Aid, there is basic information for those heading into the outdoors in a variety of environmental conditions. A little like an army survival guide for children, this is an easily read and clear handbook and would even be enjoyed by older students who are studying Outdoor Education, as it covers scenarios not often encountered in a normal camping experience. The basic information is presented with clear illustrations and with numbered steps to demonstrate the process in different survival or camping situations. Some basic skills, eg lighting a camp fire and packing for a hiking trek, are included in the book, but also some more extreme circumstances are covered, eg surviving quicksand or an avalanche. Illustrated mostly with drawn illustrations alongside boxed text with clear headings, there are also some photographic images at the beginning of each section.
Carolyn Hull