Super sports stories for kids by Patrick Loughlin

Random House, 2015. ISBN 9780857989666
(Age: Primary) Recommended. Patrick Loughlin begins his collection
of 12 short stories by confessing he wasn't very good at sports and
explains that some of the stories in the novel are based on his
personal experiences.
Super sports stories for kids contains a variety of tales
ranging from losing your Speedos while competing in a swimming race
to being harassed by a shark while participating in a surfing
There are even spooky incidents such as The Ghost of Barry Keen
involving a haunted change room and a full bladder or Marco's
Magic Gloves where a mystery man hands over magic gloves to
help Marco's goalie skills.
The children in the stories are competitive and want to win, but
fair play and maintaining friendships is paramount. The Pink
Belt demonstrates the importance of being magnanimous in
winning and Rachel and Claudine remain friends in Game On
even though they are fierce competitors on the netball court.
This collection of stories has a variety of sports and both girl and
boy protagonists therefore appealing to a wide range of children.
Each story is entertaining and told in under 20 pages of easy to
read text. Illustrations by James Hart are scattered throughout the
book and his cover artwork is attractive as it features many of the
stories characters in determined or precarious situations.
Children from 7 to 12 years will enjoy reading this book and
teachers could read aloud one of the stories any time they have a
spare 5 to 10 minutes in the classroom.
I recommend this book to primary aged students.
Jane Moore