Sunny Sweet is so not sorry by Jennifer Ann Mann

Bloomsbury, 2014. ISBN 9781619633629.
(Age: 8-10) Themes: Sisters, Families, Neighbours. This
humorous novel introduces the reader to eleven year old Masha and
her wild, precocious super-intelligent sister Sunny. Poor
long-suffering Masha wakes up to find Sunny has used a thermal resin
to glue plastic flowers to the top of her head. Despite Mum's
frantic efforts to remove the floral bouquet including using peanut
butter, nothing works. Masha is forced to remain at home while
Mum leaves for a meeting and Sunny is taken to school. Mrs. Song is
home next door in case of an emergency. Masha's day unfolds with
much drama and a hospital visit. Luckily Sunny decides to leave her
boring Grade 1 classroom, at just the right time and assist the
ambulance officers as they take the girls and an injured Mrs Song to
There are some funny moments and some which are difficult to read,
as all the adults are charmed by Sunny and let her get away with
everything. The girls are quarantined for suspected whooping cough,
Masha suffers an exam by the medical barber, has her unbroken arm
plastered while Sunny is taken on doctor's rounds.
Interwoven into the plot are the issues of divorced parents, an
elderly neighbour's illness, a preteen crush and extremely ill
children coping with life in hospital. The sketch style
illustrations and the cover are more suited to a younger audience
whilst the story is more appropriate for readers from 8-10 years.
Rhyllis Bignell