Summer of sabotage by Bob Temple

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Raintree, ISBN 978 1406215960.
Recommended for upper primary and those older, who find reading a challenge. A good 'who done it' mystery. The plot is well developed and keeps the reader in suspense until the end. Daniel and Aaron love the water park and spend as much of the summer there as they can. Unaccountable accidents begin to occur and Daniel is sure they are deliberate so he decides to investigate much to his friend Aaron's initial amusement. But when they are forbidden to go to the Park for a week they both spend their time thinking of possible suspects. Is it Gabe, the Water Park's Manager, Mrs Parker or even Janie, the heroine of the Water Park. The language is not complex, has simple sentences and the chapters short and easily read. A useful Glossary, Discussion Questions, Author Information, Writing Prompts and most useful is a double page of water safety suggestions. Typeface and font are very appropriate.
Sue Nosworthy