Such stuff: A story-maker's inspiration by Michael Morpurgo

Ill. by Michael Foreman. Walker Books, 2016. ISBN 9781406364576
What a master storyteller Michael Morpurgo is! His body of work and
his reputation are both completely awe-inspiring. This unparalleled
weaver of dreams who was the UK Children's Laureate from 2003-2005,
with over 100 books to his credit (many translated into other
languages) and numerous awards, has provided those of us who are such
admirers of this work with an unprecedented insight into his
writing. This is truly a joint production. When Michael's brother
suggested that so many people always ask about how the stories come
to life it would be a good idea to write about it, Michael took up
the idea with enthusiasm. It was natural to involve his long-time
illustrator and collaborator, Michael Foreman, who has often
provided him with the germ of an idea for a story. And along with
his wife, Clare, he began the task of collating anecdotes, excerpts and
background information for the brilliant format of this book.
The story of each book begin with Michael's recount of the first
idea, sometimes a real life incident, a media story, an historical
fact or a yarn from someone met in a pub. He discusses how the
pieces of each story then come together, to be woven into one
narrative. At times, many such singular ideas all combined into the
one book. Then follows an excerpt from the book in question, these
selected by Clare and lastly, a few pages of information that
provide back story to the particular theme of each all fascinating
and interesting aspects of the relevant title.
As an indulgence I must share this from the chapter on 'I believe
in unicorns':
We know the best parents and the best teachers do this, change
lives. So often forgotten are the best librarians, dedicated
people who go quietly about their business of trying to encourage
reading. For many children who are not read to at home, or who
have been frightened of books, or bored by them, at school, a good
library and good librarian can change the life of a child, by
judicious and sensitive recommendations, by arranging book groups,
by readings, by inviting authors in to talk to children.
Thank you Michael both for that positive affirmation of our
profession but also for the joy you bring to our lives with your
superb writing.
I highly recommend this to you for students who are interested in
the process of creative writing, for lovers of Michael's work and
for your own professional reading. This one stays firmly on my own
Sue Warren