Struck by Jennifer Bosworth

Doubleday Books, Random House, 2012. ISBN: 9780857530950.
(Age: Teens) Recommended. While Struck is a typical paranormal
romance, sticking to the familiar tropes and style, there is enough
originality to make it worth a read. The main character, Mia, is
addicted to being struck by lightning, so her mother moves the
family to California where it rarely storms.
Rather than becoming a book about a girl hiding her powers, or about
falling in confusing love with two different boys, Struck evolves
into a post-disaster novel. The biggest earthquake ever throws Los
Angeles into chaos. To access food, Mia and her brother, Parker,
must attend school. A religious cult leader who foresaw the
earthquake offers salvation for those who choose his path. Mia's
mother, suffering extreme PSTD, is at the mercy of his charisma, and
Mia is desperate to keep her family together.
At this point, the novel turns back down the usual paranormal path:
Mia has something special, and two feuding groups vie for her
loyalty. The mysterious Jeremy offers a solution, but he speaks in
half-sentences and half-truths; he has his own secrets.
Apart from chasing down kids to see if they also have the lightning
'spark', and from some heavy handed violence between feuding groups,
this is generally an interior monologue. We follow Mia's thoughts as
she tries to devise ways to survive, and to determine the real
intent of Jeremy. Bosworth uses the Bible, tarot cards, and psychic
phenomena to ground the story and it works to some extent.
Mia's power is the answer to many of the questions raised, and her
journey to discover her ability is a metaphor for growing up and for
struggling with identity. Best of all I don't believe this is a
series; it concludes with a final tender moment.
By discussing the role of religion and evangelical cults, Struck
offers variety to lovers of paranormal romance. Perhaps the author
tries to develop too many sub-plots (I didn't even touch on the
illegal drug trade or the shifty underground party called The Rove),
but overall this book delivers.
Trisha Buckley