Stresshead by Allayne Webster

Omnibus, 2011. ISBN 9781862918207.
(Age: 13+) Recommended. Denise (Dennie to her family and friends) is
having a really
tough time. With her mum acting super weird, her boyfriend being a
total jerk and her Year Eleven results withheld, she doesn't even have
her best friend Kat to turn to. Kat has problems of her own. How can
Dennie cope with the stress?
First things first, this is not your average run-of-the-mill teenage
LOL novel. It deals with some issues rarely seen in this genre, such as
accidental pregnancy, depression, and even breast cancer, in a
sympathetic and nice way. As well as dealing with the affect of these
issues on the patrons themselves, it also took into perspective the way
it affected the whole family, and how different people may react. It
was a very interesting book, especially as the characters were
On of the things I loved about this book was the dialogue. It was
snappy, original, and down-to-earth, which is also the main quality of
this book. It was very down-to-earth and easy to relate to. Overall, it
was a nice read. Great dialogue and realistic events made this one
worth reading, although it was let down by a sluggish-at-times pace and
boring finish.
I recommend this book.
Rebecca Adams (Student)