Stork by Wendy Delsol

Candlewick, 2010. ISBN 9780763648442.
(Age: 12+) 16 year old Katla Leblanc has moved from Los Angeles to
the wilds of Minnesota with her mother after her parents got
divorced. Fashion is all important to her, but being trendy brings
stares from the locals and horrors of horrors, she finds that she is
a Stork, a member of an ancient group of women who decide which
mothers are worthy of babies. Then there is Wade, who she had a bad
date with before school starts, and Jack the editor of the school
newspaper, who thinks she should know him and seems to hate her. As
Kat learns more about her powers and the near fatal experience she
had as a young child, she must face up to what she really is.
Drawing on Norse mythology, Delsol has created a different
background for her story. I was intrigued by the idea of a group of
Storks making decisions about which mother would be the best for a
potential infant. It was interesting to see Kat taking on her role
as Stork and deciding that she had to make mature decisions, and not
just ones that could give her revenge on a popular girl or help out
her friend. Jack too has a background that is steeped in Norse
mythology. He doesn't feel the cold and strange things happen around
him. The school is producing The Snow Queen by Hans Christian
Andersen and references to this story also add depth.
Delsol scatters humourous one liners throughout the book, which kept
a smile on my face. Kat is mad about fashion, and teens who enjoy
clothes will enjoy the many references, often funny, to clothes.
They will also have fun with the makeovers.
This was a quick easy read with Kat's dilemmas and witty repartee
keeping my interest for the whole book. Girls who like romance, high
school angst and paranormal events should appreciate the unusual
Norse folklore background. There is a sequel, Frost.
Pat Pledger