Stories of life at Sydney Cove by Susan E Boyer

Birrong Books, 2016. ISBN 9781877074493
(Age: 10+) Recommended. Beginning with the life of thirteen year old
John Hudson, a chimneysweep imprisoned in Newgate (London), the
book follows the lives and thoughts of convicts, their British
masters and more importantly the stories of Aboriginal people,
following their meeting on Australia's shores in 1788.
The book describes in a careful and balanced way, the struggle of
the early years of the colony at Sydney, the attempts to find
suitable farmland, the fear of the unknown, the meetings between the
two cultures, the wonders of nature, the plots, unexpected
opportunities and the disasters that changed lives. There are
excellent insights into the lives of young, old, and women. Stories
highlight leadership, adventure, dilemma, mystery and discovery in
the lives of the two societies.
The book is based on thorough research and provides descriptions
based on documented descriptions from the time. Based on an earlier
adult book: Across great divides, the language of this
edition is simplified for the young reader, and information is
highlighted in text boxes, great illustrations (based on originals)
and simple maps.
This book for young readers acknowledges the good and bad aspects of
first settlement history but also celebrates the land's
opportunities, and the deepening understanding of culture and
environment. The reviewer found this book very appropriate in the
light of recent controversy about 26th January as the date for
Australia Day.
Paul Pledger
Editor's note: Teacher
resources are available from the author's website.