Stink: Hamlet and Cheese by Megan McDonald

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Candlewick Press, 2018. ISBN 9780763691639
(Age: 8+) Highly recommended. Stink: Hamlet and Cheese is a great way to introduce Hamlet and Shakespeare to younger readers. The main character, Stink, may not be too happy about being the only boy at Shakespeare camp but it sure beats being stuck at home without his friends.
Stink's friend, Sophie, makes Shakespeare camp sound amazing. Stink likes the idea of acting and loves the idea of sword fighting. Unfortunately, Riley (a girl from school) is also at camp. She is so annoying and Stink is worried about all of the kissing talk. Does Riley really want to kiss him? Yuck! Thankfully, Stink's sister and Sophie help him make a shield. At least he has one way of blocking any potential Riley kisses!
Despite the kissing threat, Stink still enjoys camp. He gets to see a Shakespeare play, learns how to insult like Shakespeare and learns about the words we use today that were actually created by Shakespeare. As the Saturday performance approaches and family and friends get ready to attend, Stink starts to worry about that kiss. Will his anti-kiss shield be enough?
Stink: Hamlet and Cheese is a fun and easy read. It has some funny moments and great characters. The author has included elements of Shakespeare's plays making them easy to understand. the story will teach readers about the mysteries behind Macbeth, the famous quotes and the new words we wouldn't have without Shakespeare. This book is highly recommended for readers aged 8+.
Kylie Kempster