Stink and the ultimate thumb-wrestling smackdown by Megan McDonald

Ill. By Peter H. Reynolds. Walker Books, 2011. ISBN 9781406334586.
(Ages 6-11) Recommended. In the 6th title of the Stink Moody books,
Stink is excited about receiving his school report, and looks
to seeing a long list of O's for Oustanding Achievement. He is
horrified though, to see a U for Unsatisfactory beside Physical
Education. Stink has never enjoyed sports, as he thinks he is so
he'd get hurt too easily, but now it looks like he'll have to find a
sport to play if he wants to regain his status as the perfect
After ruling out bike-riding, skateboarding, golf and badminton,
discovers the best sport of them all - Thumb Wrestling! He makes a
costume for his thumb and dubs it Shark Hammersmash, but even such
awe-inspiring name cannot help him win. Deciding that perhaps he's
cut out for the world of thumb wars after all, Stink finally decides
try Karate, and finds he is very good at it. The confidence he gains
from achieving his yellow belt might even give him the boost he
to defeat T.Rex Wasabi, the school's thumb-wrestling champion.
There's a lovely message in this book, that while nobody is good at
everything, everyone is good at something. Students already familiar
with the characters of Stink and his sister Judy will enjoy seeing
feel quite proud of her brother for a change, and those new to the
series will find themselves wanting to read more.
Donella Reed