Stego-Snottysaurus by Kyle Mewburn

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Ill. Donovan Bixley. Dinosaur Rescue Series. Scholastic, 2011. ISBN: 9781775430209.
Arg is back - the smart cave boy living in Neanderthal times.  His task this time is to save the dinosaurs from people flu.  
When dad is sick with the flu, Arg sets out to help find a cure. Along the way he stumbles into an angry cave bear and his friend Skeet. Skeet is a T-Rex with an equally intelligent brain. T-Rex is also sick and asks his friend Arg for help. They go in search of a group of Stegosaurs who have a cold, but not a bad strain to see what it is about them that makes them better. With the answer at hand, a misplaced sneeze sees Arg become the hero again.
Being the second book in the series, it is nice to have small snippets of information given to tie it into the first book, this allows readers to begin at any stage of the series, and still have a sense of character and plot so far.
Full of gross snotty and stinky situations, this book is likely to appeal to reluctant boy readers and those who love toilet and bodily function humour.
Zana Thiele