Star Wars Maker Lab: 20 Galactic Science Projects by Liz Lee

DK Children, 2018. ISBN 9780241314234
(Age: 8+) Highly recommended. What person won't be tempted to pick
up this book and see just what craft and science projects can be
made using the ever popular Star Wars brand? This book has 20
projects that can be made at home or in a maker lab. Some of them
include making a lightsabre beam, kyber crystals, Jabbba slime and a
Mustafar volcano, as well as a Hoth snow globe and galactic planets.
There is a 'Before you start' section which emphasises safety, a
note to parents that the projects may require parental supervision,
how to use the templates found at the back of the book and where to
get supplies. Each project gives a level of difficulty from easy,
medium to tricky, tells the maker what supplies they will need with
clear illustrations and then gives a step by step instructions,
accompanied by pictures. Much of the equipment is stuff that would
be found around the house, but some needs to be specially purchased,
like batteries and light pens, and The Death star tractor beam, for
example, needs a glue gun.
Each project gives a Star Wars context with pictures and there is a
'How it works' section that explains the science in clear concise
language and an illustration. A glossary at the back gives
definitions of many of the scientific terms, as well as references
to the Star Wars Galaxy.
This would be a very useful addition to a school library with a
maker-space, but would be an equally ideal gift to a child, giving
lots of inspiration for things to do during long holidays.
Pat Pledger