Star struck by Jenny McLachlan

(Age: 14+) Recommended. Star Struck by Jenny McLachlan is a thrilling and captivating novel about the relationships we gain in life and how they hold different meanings to different people. With a strong and interesting plot that keeps the reader hooked and unable to put the book down, Star Struck follows the story of Pearl Harris and what it's like to be the misunderstood mean girl of the school. But even mean girls have things they are passionate about; Pearl is a natural performer and loves to be involved in all of her school plays, singing, dancing and ALWAYS getting the lead role. But when a strange and completely different looking, sounding and acting girl walks in on and interrupts Pearl's audition for the part of Juliet (Co-starring with the school hottie; Jake Flower) and completely steals the show, Pearl's show, Pearl is out to destroy the new girl called Hoshi, seek revenge and gain back Jake's attention in the meantime. Although a bully and an intimidating student who has her few friendships hanging by a thread, Pearl isn't all she acts but decides to hide her hardships and be seen instead as plain old mean.
Jenny McLachlan included a various array of themes within this novel, ranging from violence and real-life relatable issues, to romance and moral issues of friendship. As the characters interact, it is clear to see their own unique personality shown through dialogue and story involvement. Because there are some themes of violence and manipulation, this novel is better suited to older teens (14+).
In conclusion, Star Struck is a unique and memorable novel with strong characters, a story that increases reader interest with the turn of every page and distinctive, relatable characters. This book is almost guaranteed to get the reader's heart pounding and make it impossible to put down.
Sarah Filkin