Star! Stable! Saviour! The Christmas Story in S by Cameron Semmens

Ill. by Rod Allen. Wombat Books, 2015. ISBN 9781925139600
(Age: Pre-school - Yr 2) If you like to start the festive season
with a story about the story behind the celebrations, then Star!
Stable! Saviour! could be a great choice. Drawing on the
traditional elements of the Wise Men (scientists) and the shepherds
seeing a star and following it to the stable where they find Baby
Jesus the story is told using as many words as possible starting
with the sound of 's'.
'See - a star!' stated a slightly stunned, smart, snazzy scientist
to several similar smart, snazzy scientists.
These scientists from The South Saudi Sands, Sudan (or somewhere
similar) searched the stars for signs.
This strange star was certainly a sign.
See it shine!'
With bright, clear illustrations which capture so much movement and
expression, the story is told in alliterative format which brings
new life to it so even those who have heard it every year about this
time will get a fresh perspective and enjoy it again and again.
Originally published under the title The Star, The Stable and
The Saviour it's been repackaged and republished by Wombat
Books in time to bring a new version to the traditional Christmas
literature fare in a quirky but respectful way.
This will be read on Day 2 of the Christmas Countdown at my school,
following The First Christmas in which Jan Pienkowski has
illustrated the original text from the New Testament so those
children who may be encountering the story for the first time can
consolidate what they learned from that experience. Told without a
religious editorial, it gives those students for whom Christmas is
not a religious or traditional festival an understanding of what it
is we celebrate at this time of the year, the meaning behind many of
the symbols they see and why it is so important to so many.
Barbara Braxton