Star by Catherine Bateson

Scholastic, 2012. ISBN 978 1 86291 981 5
(Ages: 10+) Recommended. Family. Star is in a muddle. She and
her mother have had a close relationship since her father's death
from cancer, and she has had a good friend at school, but now that
friend has become a bully and Mum has allowed an old school friend,
Charlie, to live with them after separating from his wife. His
former wife and their two obnoxious children often visit, leaving
Star as the babysitter, with promises thrown in as compensation. At
school, Star has learnt to avoid the playground and the taunts of
her former friend, and buries herself in books, particularly the
books of an older generation, telling tales of boarding schools and
horses. And so she settles on her aim of getting a horse.
This astute look at families and relationships had me intrigued from
the start. Although I baulked at the selfishness of the adults, not
responding to the problems Star is experiencing, she has an ally in
Cara, Mum's good friend who lives close by. An ungodmother, she
plays a pivotal role in Star's finding a way through the problems
which have beset her life, and incidentally being a supportive
friend to Star's mother.
Bateson is always able to develop families and their interwoven
relationships with absolute certainty. Each person is a character in
their own right, each one with foibles and characteristics which
make them at once endearing and at times aggravating. A reader will
sense from the start the dichotomy of feelings of all the main
characters. Because they are so emotionally involved, their views of
their future are often at odds with the other, resulting in
conflicts of opinions which must be sorted out. Their shared future
is neatly resolved at the end of the book, making for a most
satisfying read.
Fran Knight