Squidge Dibley destroys everything by Mick Elliott

Lothian Children's Books, 2020. ISBN: 9780734419460. 174pp.
(Age: 8-12) Squidge Dibley has amazing powers to invent things plus
fight evil. In this novel the crazy exploits are told via his best
friend Padman. They are in 6UP at Craglands South Primary and have
an eccentric teacher who appreciates all her class' unique
personalities and behaviours. The comical class characters have
strange habits, eg. Shane who bites his toenails and Nathan who eats
paint. The Principal of their school, Hoovesly, has been demoted to
janitor and puts a dastardly plan for revenge into action. He
particularly has 6UP in his sights but his plan also involves
robotic head lice which will take over the town and all its
inhabitants. 6UP must stop him and this involves underground
bunkers, tunnels and sewerage. The plot rolls from one outrageous
thing to another. As Padman says near the end of the book,
"off-the-scale weird".
There is no subtlety or nuance in this novel. It is just plain
entertainment. Squidge Dibley destroys everything is one in
a series of illustrated books pitched at a primary aged audience who
like farts, poop, butts and burps. There is quite definitely a place
for these humorous stories because they get kids reading, much like
the Captain
Underpants or Tom
Gates series. There are fun cartoon style illustrations
on every page and these are integral to the action. The design is
highly marketable and smart.
Jo Marshall