Spotlight by Solli Raphael

cover image

Penguin, 2020. ISBN: 9781760898410.
(Age: Adolescent) Highly recommended. This is an wonderfully enlightening and extraordinary book, partly resonating with readers through Solli's passionate performance pieces and partly through his addressing us in his call to all human beings of the world to consider and act to keep our world, our land, forests, seas and all creatures safe. Solli Raphael, 15 years old, has been a slam poet for some time, using his voice to call us to acknowledge how and what we should be doing right NOW. While he also addresses adults, his call to action is very much presented as a challenge to young people all over the world. The photo on the cover shows Solli with his hand on his heart, and indeed his eyes, and his heartfelt plea alert us to his passion: the imminent threats that we face if we fail to act; the dire need to protect our world, all the people and creatures that live on this world; and of course the land, air, sea and sky.
His diverse options include forming particular groups to act in specific areas, asking us to consider addressing local schools, adolescents and adults, asking all people to plan, to make decisions, and to act. This plea is redolent with his intense concern and determination to make us aware of the threats that we face if we fail to enact change. Addressing many groups using his slam poetry, writing letters, and suggesting specific action, he challenges us to plead with our family, friends, neighbours, politicians, and people all over the world, to band together and pledge to act to save this wonderful but threatened world in which we live.
This is a striking book, full of practical tips, and full of passion. Indeed, Solli's thoughts and suggestions are so relevant in these times, across the whole world in terms of our actions, and our choices. His hope is that we will listen, think and act - not only to protect our air and our seas, but also to safeguard all the people of the world, all the lands of the earth, particularly challenging us to make specific choices to protect our atmosphere as well. This powerful book is very highly recommended for adolescent readers, and indeed for their parents and indeed for politicians and all adults of this precious planet Earth.
Elizabeth Bondar