Spooked! by Susannah McFarlane

EJ12 Girl Hero bk 17. Lemonfizz Media, 2013. ISBN:
Highly recommended for readers from 8-10 years of age. Themes:
Girls, Spies, Mysteries, Heroes, Detective Stories.
Spooked is the seventeenth novel in this extremely popular
series featuring Special Agent Emma Jacks EJ12 and her Shine Stars
team. This exciting adventure takes place amongst the English
landscape with haunted castles, stolen treasure and scary night
missions for the girls. Emma Jacks and her friends Hannah and Isi
farewell their friend Elle and fellow Shine Academy spy who is off
to live in England with her family, however they soon met up on
At the stroke of midnight in different castles all over England,
centuries-old precious coins have been stolen. The Shine Stars team
need all their specialised skills to foil the biggest SHADOW plot so
far. Emma is called upon to overcome her fears and confidently lead
her team in this frightening night mission.
Susannah McFarlane's EJ12 series books are keenly
anticipated and this novel once again delivers the fast-past spy
story the reader loves. Emma's resilience against the enemy and the
team's resolve to work out the ghostly problems make this an
exciting addition to the series.
Rhyllis Bignell