Spellcaster by Claudia Gray

Harper Collins, 2013. ISBN: 978-0-7322-9615-5.
'It is better to have loved than lost than to have never loved at
While 'the adventures of a teenage witch' is not original it is
shown in a new light as this sinister novel presents a new way of
looking at witchcraft by using stones to focus magic and feelings
and memories as the ingredients. Not your typical coming of age
novel Spellcaster deals with the importance of loving despite
tragedy and loss.
Motherless and teacher-less Nadia has no choice but to follow her
family to Captive's Sound, repelled by a magical barrier and
fighting to keep her secret from her family Nadia is pulled from the
wreck by a mysterious young man by the name of Mateo. Something
isn't right with the town it is eerie and full of something dark and
malignant, sink holes are appearing, large enough to swallow up cars
and her secret soon comes out. Nadia is a witch. But she isn't the
only one. Recognising the work of a witch aligned with 'The One
Beneath' she must work together with her new friends in order to
save the town from the evil consuming it and in doing so free Mateo
from his family curse.
For me, this novel was tedious to read, rather like paranormal
romances but always remember that different people have different
preferences and I would recommend it to others who have liked
Claudia Gray's previous novels such as The Evernight series as well
as fans of paranormal romance. I would say that the recommended
audience is twelve and up but please be aware that this book does
have elements which some young people may find disturbing.
Kayla Gaskell (Student, age seventeen)