Spark by Brigid Kemmerer

Elementals Book 2. Allen And Unwin, 2012. ISBN 13981743310748.
(Age: 14+) Recommended. In the second of the Elementals series,
Kemmerer continues with her gripping stories of four brothers whose
powers allow them power over the elements. Spark stars Gabriel, who
is trying to find ways to use his paranormal power and control fire.
When an arsonist starts to create havoc in the town all the evidence
points to Gabriel and even his brothers start to look at him in odd
ways. But he is not the one lighting the fires and he has to find
out who is. At the same time he is becoming fascinated with Layne
and worries about his growing relationship with her.
Kemmerer manages to blend some compelling realism with a paranormal
twist to make for a compelling story. The relationships between the
four brothers is beautifully described. I felt for Gabriel when he
began to feel increasingly isolated as his twin Nick becomes
involved with a girl that he doesn't like. The fact that his
brothers don't trust him is shattering for him and he turns to
Hunter for friendship.
Their forays into the night to the fires that have been lit are
thrilling. The descriptions of the fires and the actions of
the fire preventation personnel are really authentic and Gabriel's
heroism in entering dangerous buildings and using his power to
rescue victims is entralling. At the same time the realism of what
happens at school, his relationship with Nick and his growing
interest in Layne keep the reader in the real world and teens will
identify with the actions of the mean girls and what happens in the
school yard.
This is a series that has it all: action, romance, thrills and
angst, all against a background of the issues that teens face with
their families and at school.
Pat Pledger