Space mash by Knife & Packer

Wheelnuts! Craziest Race on Earth! Book 3. Scholastic
Australia, 2015. ISBN 9781743627242
(Age: 7-9) Themes: Car racing, Outerspace, Adventure. The Wheelnuts
crazy cars return in another wild race. Warren 'Wheelie' Wheelnut's
new challenge for the six cars and their crews is an adventure in
space, of course, there are no road rules and the obstacles are out
of this world!
Knife and Packer's imagination and creativity make this graphic
junior novel an exciting action-packed adventure, the crazier the
better! There's the Rust Bucket 3000 driven by robots Nutz and
Boltz, The Flying Nappy with Gurle and Burp on board - leading to
lots of gross jokes and the Dino-Wagon's crew is Turbo Rex and
Flappy a pterodactyl out to win.
The adventure begins at the Space Centre where Warren reveals the
six cars have been mechanically upgraded to rockets for their
outer-space race. With space junk obstacles, cheating drivers and
diversions to other planets for special adventures.
Humorous, comical, colourful, gross and outrageous Knife and Packer
deliver all the elements for another mad Wheelnuts race.
Rhyllis Bignell