Sophie Someone by Hayley Long

Hot Key Books, 2015. ISBN: 9781471404801
(Ages: 12+) Recommended. Within this heart-warming tale, Sophie
tells her life story, in the only way she dares tell it: code
language. Sophie's describes her early life, in which she moved with
her mother from an unknown place to Brussels where the majority of
the story takes place. She describes the way that her family settle
into this new abode, and takes the reader into her school life where
she meets her best friend, Comet, a character who makes a recurring
appearance within the novel. Throughout the story, Comet and Sophie
go on a few adventures, which guarantee a gripping tale, as well as
explore the ins and outs of friendship, and that sometimes, there
are things that are difficult to talk about, even to your best
The relationships explored in the novel are compelling, each with
its own unique and distinct lesson for the reader, and which are
revealed at appropriate and respective points of the novel. The
relationships that Sophie has with her family are relatable and
truly express real family dynamics, as well as highlighting the
importance of family.
The main themes within the novel are that of the importance of
self-identity, trusting our moral compasses, being who we are
despite the odds, realising that it's never too late to challenge
ourselves and never giving up; lessons which are not only vital for
personal growth and development, but also to ensure a memorable and
inspiring novel.
From the beginning of the book, Sophie's unique writing style is
demonstrated. She uses code words amongst regular language, in order
to tell her story and although this may make for a challenge for
younger audiences, the context of the words often allow for an easy
Sophie Someone has vibrant, realistic characters that make
for an engaging read, as well as an opportunity for the reader to
unravel Sophie's story along with her. This novel was a truly
beautiful read, in which I looked forward to reading every page, and
helping Sophie uncover the secrets she was so desperate to learn. Sophie Someone is not a book that is easily forgotten.
Daniella Chiarolli (Student)