Somewhere in Australia by Marcello Pennacchio

Ill. by Danny Snell. Scholastic, 2013. ISBN 9781741695229.Hardcover.
RRP $24.99.
(Age: 3-6) Themes: Australian Animals - Poetry, Australia
-Landscape. There is a popular trend for authors to adapt familiar
stories and rhymes for the Australian audience. The picture book
starts with 'Somewhere in Australia, in a land of scorching sun,
lived a mother kangaroo and her little joey one.' The text by
Marcello Pennacchio is loosely based on the classic rhyme Over
in the meadow. On each double-page spread we see Australian
animals, birds and reptiles undertaking activities in their natural
environment. Following the pattern of the classic rhyme one more
animal is added to the animal family on the next spread. This is a
great book for reading aloud to a young audience although some of
the rhyming metre is a little out of kilter.
Danny Snell's painted backgrounds including the outback, spinifex,
rainforest and river bring a visual depth to the text. From the
mother kangaroo and her joey to the red-back spider and her
spiderlings, each creature is beautifully portrayed in natural
Somewhere in Australia can be used as maths activity -
counting or adding up the number of animals represented in the whole
story. This could lead into a literacy unit making another book
representing the numbers for eleven to fifteen or twenty. In Science
students could research and write a report on the animals' life
cycles and habitats. For an English lesson, students could use write
their own verse modelling the text.
Additional activities can be found in The Standing Orders section of
the Scholastic
Recommended RA 4-6, Reading Audience 3-6.
Rhyllis Bignell